October 2020

Over the past challenging months, Fit For Anything has strived to adapt to provide their services within Government guidelines that are needed. Services which matter most, together with the "total” care, determination and motivation we hope you have been accustomed to during these times.

We have received so much positive feedback about our communication, dedication and guidance over the last 7 months, which has been very rewarding and inspiring indeed. Our blog “Easing out of lockdown: How to help your total wellbeing” sent out at the end of May was particularly well received.

We are now in the position where we know a little more about the virus than months ago and we are getting somewhat used to the situation we are finding ourselves in. For most of us it means working from home, for some it means working all hours under the sun to save their business, for some it’s still furlough, for some it’s drawn curtains, for some it means looking after a fragile person and for all of us it means we have to try to be healthy, adapt, adjust, repeat and make the most of the current situation.

I have formulated some of my own views on the situation and finding a balance which you may find helpful. Please feel free to read these in the blog below.

During the last 6 months we all have adjusted our lives, our homes and many of our routines to some extent, and probably will have to do this for some considerable time coming.

Some of us have improved our fitness level and diet, some have remained the same with this but unfortunately most of us decreased fitness levels and gained (some) weight instead. Understandingly, during uncertain times for most, fear, stress and other factors contributed, resulting in having less energy, less motivation, for some less time, leading to less physical activity, general movement, consistency and intensity doing exercise. Do you intend to do something about this short term? If so, what are you actually going to do about it? Do you need any guidance in this?

With few normal sporting events taking place and with on-line events being ok but not ideal, there’s also not much to look forward to I hear you say. Why not create your own event and have some fun with it!? It can be anything, so I did just that, I set myself a challenge - cycle from my home to my parents in the Netherlands within 24 hours for my dad’s 82nd birthday back in August. An opportunity to cycle on less busy, somewhat safer roads due to the virus grabbed with both hands and executed well within the 24 hours total time, it was a well planned and memorable journey.

It highlights also that it is important to have a break and a change of scene to re-charge the batteries, to help relax and ease the mind, to have quality time with our loved ones, to take time out to reflect and to provide positive energy so we can continue the fight. I hope you have had the opportunity to take that break or several breaks and that you feel better for it.
Do what makes you happy whilst looking after your health and fitness and that of your loved ones.

Last weekend I was so thrilled to be part of an o.c.r. event which was the first one in about 7 months. I didn’t realise I missed the thrill of an event so much, the atmosphere, camaraderie, challenge, competitiveness, digging deep, the total buzz. I'm so glad I went and am feeling much better!

During the past few months many of us have completed plenty of walks, a little routine to keep niggles at bay, enjoyed the outdoors - a lot with trips to the coast and various countryside areas, a few had a normal summer holiday and some of us became decent handymen and others became good gardeners.

Keep going strong and do what you can, perhaps schedule in a PT session and/or come to Fit For Anything’s gym. We have both our indoor gym with excellent hygiene controls, as well as a private secluded outdoor set up including a solid party tent with great lighting for evening sessions to assist you to get you back on track.

Outdoor sessions can also be held with me at The Farm in Elstree, at Whippendell Woods near Cassiobury Park in Watford, at the grounds and track of Merchant Taylors’ School in Moor Park, Northwood and of course in any park, or garden. Indoor sessions are mainly at my home gym in Chorleywood but I also conduct house visits. On-line sessions preferably via zoom remain available too. There is also the Team FFA zoom session each Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8.25-9am for a small workout to boost consistency.

For more details please ask or see our website and Fit For Anything Facebook for details.

Congratulations to all FFA clients who took part in events over the last 7 months. Special mention to Preena Di, Sally Wadhwa and Vanessa Morley who completed the virtual London Marathon in the rain last Sunday and to Ilse Van Der Linden who ran to raise money for her sister who has MS. If you wish to support any of the people above, please contact me if you haven’t got their details.

Some events coming up during the next few months - fingers crossed:
17/10 Rough Events o.c.r. (Ancester)
24/10 Battersea Park 10km (London)
31/10 Nuclear Fallout & Challenge Cup (Brentwood) 7/11 Commando Series (Kent, Hever Castle) 22/11 Watford Joggers Autumn 10k in (Cassiobury Park)
5/12 Nuts Challenge 4x4 fancy dress team o.c.r. challenge (Dorking)

As ever, I look forward to continuing to work with you to keep you on track to achieve your goals.

You can be(come) Fit For Anything!

